Posts Tagged ‘winter season’

The Grinch Who Stole Your Listings (+ How To Get Them Back In 2017)

Posted on: December 29th, 2016 by Tim Garcia


Tim here – how’re things? Ready to wrap up December and head into 2017?

2016 has been rough.
So here’s a little holiday rhyme (inspired by the late, great Dr. Seuss)
to perk up your mood – and, very likely, your listings.

The Grinch Who Stole Your Listings (+ How To Take Them Back In 2017)

Every agent across the land enjoyed listing a lot,
But the syndicate Grinch portal lurking online did not.

The Grinch misinformed and confused! Every single season!
Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason.

It could be, perhaps, that he didn’t have the best sight.
It could be his system wasn’t set up just right.

But I think that the most likely reason of all,
May have been that his capacity to tell the truth was much, much too small.

But, whatever the reason, his eyes or his inability to speak the truth,
He grabbed, scattered, and hoarded listings, like a kid with a sweet tooth.

You’re a sneaky one, Mr. Grinch. You keep folks in the dark.
You allow others to steal. You’re really off the mark. Mr. Grinch!

Then, one day, at PropertyMinder Headquarters, we had a thought.
We saw the unfairness and figured it was time the Grinch got caught.

Maybe your listings, we pondered, don’t have to be lost,
Maybe your listings, perhaps, should remain yours at any cost.

And what happened then? Well, in Real Estate they say,
That PropertyMinder’s Seller’s Corner truly saved the day.

It reconnected past clients. It brought back seller leads.
It brought low inventory woes to a halt and met listing agent needs.

It branded listings to rightful owners. It delivered what really mattered.
It kept your homeowners safe and secure, instead of scarce and scattered.

It kept your clients from open houses, where other agents roam,
With Seller’s Corner, the Grinch and competition is clearly no match, when it comes to selling a home.


Cheers to a solid last week of 2016,

Director of Marketing


More marketing tips, advice and guidance can be found on our featured
Tip Of The Week Archive & Current Tip Of The Week webpages.


Your Sellers Need To Lighten Up.

Posted on: December 20th, 2016 by Tim Garcia

Hey there,

Tim here. What’s new?

Heads up: Wednesday, December 21st marks both Winter Solstice (shortest day and longest night of the year) AND Look on the Bright Side Day.

Coincidence? I think not.
Your leads and clients will be deprived of extra daylight, which might make them extra cranky – especially if it’s chilly out.

So, what can you do to brighten their day?

You’re not God. You can’t manipulate the sun.
But you can provide a special type of brightness (the best and only kind that truly matters) by…
…enlightening sellers with automated home values proving you’re the expert
…shining the spotlight on exciting and matching properties (including HD Photos) for your buyers
…providing everyone with the essential home care resources needed to maximize their comfortability on this (and many other) long winter night(s).

Cozy up to folks. It’ll pay off.
The holidays are definitely revving up. Enjoy yourself, connect with people, drive safe, and let me know if there’s anything you need help with as we gear up for the New Year.

Director of Marketing


More marketing advice can be found on our featured
Tip Of The Week Archive & Current Tip Of The Week webpages.

Quick Haunting Halloween Homeowner (Seller) Greeting

Posted on: October 31st, 2015 by Tim Garcia


Halloween is just around the corner.
Set up an email marketing campaign with this quick greeting:


Subject Line Ideas:
Your Home This Halloween
Stay Fearless (In Your Home) This Fall
Creepy Clowns Are No Laughing Matter – Neither Is Home Care

Hey there _____,

“All Hallow’s Eve” is just around the corner. Any special plans this year?
Here’s hoping your home is not the target of any tricks involving eggs, pumpkins, dreaded toilet paper, or any creepy clown stalking (Did you read about that last year?!)

I hope your day(s) are filled with nothing but fun-filled treats and the utmost safety this month.

Speaking of safety, if you’re gearing up for any home care projects – let me know if you need help getting any resources you need to start or complete things.
Whether it’s roofing and plumbing repairs, or heating, flooring and/or moving assistance – I can get you set up with the right, affordable professionals in your neck of the woods. We are, after all, heading into the Fall and Winter seasons. 🙂

Also – if you’re already facing challenges with your home due to weather or related issues, please give me a ring today. I’m always here to help out!


Have a very Happy Halloween!




Also remember: the more you know about people, the better equipped you are to meet their needs.
Take the initiative to make inquiries like this and let them that you have answers to ALL of their real estate needs – Home Values via Seller’s Corner, Home Care via Homebrella (the wet, rainy and colder Fall & Winter seasons are upon us!),Home Improvement. Home Sales, relevant community events, etc.


Cheers to a safe, fun and sweet Halloween,

PropertyMinder Marketing

More marketing advice can be found on our featured
Tip Of The Week Archive & Current Tip Of The Week webpages.