Archive for November, 2017

Our Holiday Season Gift To You

Posted on: November 23rd, 2017 by Tim Garcia

by Andy Coffaro


The holiday season is finally upon us, and to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year we’ve wrapped up this email package just for you loaded with some of the best real estate marketing tips around.

So grab a fresh cup of eggnog (brandy optional) and let’s check out some of the best real estate tips and resources so you can maximize your listings and home sales this holiday season.


Marketing Faux Pas

Check out five big-time real estate marketing mistakes you might be making right now but aren’t even aware of. We’re talking fixing everything from cluttered websites to lack of social media activity.


Facebook Ads

While the jury is still out on whether or not Facebook advertisements are the future of real estate social media marketing, this article shows you how they work and best practices for using them to sell more homes and snag more leads.


Info Via Infographics

Get visual and impress your audience by utilizing infographics that have the power to get you more social media followers, leads, sales, and referrals.


Unearth Your Inner Shakespeare

When you send an email to your CRM, there’s nothing more important than the subject line. If it lacks punch and creativity, your audience will never open it and get to all the fabulous info inside. This Tip of the Week shows you how to write the best email headlines ever.


Now The Newsletter

Once you’ve written that awesome email subject line, it’s time to engage, enlighten, and impress your leads. Here’s exactly how you’re going to do it via email newsletters.


Marketing To Millennials

Millennials are the nation’s largest living generation and make up 56% of all American first-time homebuyers. Here’s how to market to this next generation of homeowners.


Get Mobile

It’s an ever-increasing mobile world of smartphones and tablets so make sure you’re implementing these strategies to connect with your audience.


Black Winter Sale

Black Friday is so 2016. That’s why in 2017 we’re offering you a Black Winter sale that gives you two months of free services when you buy three. That means two bonus months of additional listings, more referrals, comprehensive resources for your buyers, unlimited one-on-one training and support from yours truly, and a heck of a lot more.


Who loves ya?

We hope you enjoyed your holiday gift. As always, feel free to contact us at any time with your real estate marketing questions and needs.

Happy Holidays!

More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.



Black Friday (Winter Sale Extension)

Posted on: November 17th, 2017 by Tim Garcia



Ever wish Black Friday sales weren’t just a one day thing?
We feel the same way. That’s why ours extends through winter.

Let’s face it: the busy, expensive holiday season is followed by taxes soon after.
You need at least a couple of months to stock up on funds after holiday expenses (gifts, food, etc.), with an added peace of mind that your online marketing presence is as strong and effective as ever.

Buy just 3 months of service with us –  and get 2 entire months for free.

That means 2 free months of:
More listings.
Increased referrals.
Dream home resources for your buyers.
Unlimited one-on-one training and support.
Home care resources for your homeowners (sellers).
Cutting-edge real estate website and complete marketing toolkit.
Unlimited access to personalized marketing content, tips, and advice.

Sound good? There’s more.
Let us know when you’d like to sign-up and/or see everything in action, first.

Cheers and Happy Holidays,
Tim and the PropertyMinder Team



5 Real Estate Marketing Faux Pas That Will Cost You Prospects and Sales

Posted on: November 4th, 2017 by Tim Garcia

by Andy Coffaro


Attempting to get ahead of the competition is critical to the success of any business, but it’s especially true in the real estate industry. Competing agents, online services, and more are all vying for the same prospects and sizzling-hot leads you are.

That’s why it’s important to conduct an internal marketing audit to make sure you’re maximizing your efforts and return on investments.

What are some of the biggest issues you should be looking for?

We’re so glad you asked, because here are 5 real estate marketing no-no’s you simply must avoid and fix today before you miss out on more prospects and listings.

  1. Your website is a hot mess

Have you ever visited a confusing website so convoluted that you closed your tab in the blink of an eye? Well, that’s what your future clients are doing if your site is a mess.

A quality real estate website should make very clear who you are, the area you sell in, the clientele you serve, contact information, social media links, a newsletter signup form, and more.

It’s also important that the information is conveyed in an easy-to-read manner without all kinds of wild fonts and images. Keep it professional and make sure it’s a representation of you.

  1. Social stubbornness

Take a look at your social media properties right now. Are you:

  • Leveraging all the top platforms like Facebook, X (aka Twitter), Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat?
  • Making sure to post on a regular basis?
  • Utilizing the 80/20 rule where 80% of your posts consist of insightful and helpful links and info whereas 20% is direct marketing?
  • Making sure everything from contact info to messaging are the same on your social channels as they are on your website?
  1. Missing metrics

You can’t know if your marketing efforts are successful if you don’t measure. A few examples:

  • Are you checking your CRM to look at your email newsletter open rates? How does that data inform your next newsletter and the one after that?
  • If you’re running something like Facebook ads, pay attention to which ones are the most successful. Ride those like a rocket ship and ditch those that underperform.
  • Did you install Google Analytics on your website? If so, where is traffic coming from? What pages on your site engage your prospects and which ones have them closing their browser with the quickness?
  1. You disappear

No matter what platform you use for marketing – from a blog to social media to old fashion flyers in the mail – you need to make sure your audience is hearing from you on a consistent basis. Otherwise, you’ll fail to stay top of mind and your prospects could wind up in the hands of the competition.

  1. Scared to fail

Don’t be so paralyzed by the fear of failure that you don’t take chances. Marketing isn’t always an exact science, so be prepared to test different strategies, evaluate, test, evaluate, test, and repeat until you maximize your ROI.

Need a bit of help with your real estate marketing this fall? Feel free to contact us so we can help you attain more leads and sell more homes today.

More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.