Posts Tagged ‘listing agent’

WATCH: Help Us Help You Get More Listings (+ Money).

Posted on: May 15th, 2018 by Tim Garcia


~ WEBSITE MASTERY Webinar (5/14)  ~
*Press the play button in the above video and go FULL SCREEN *


What’s covered this session:
– Getting people’s attention and keeping it.
– Inside look at our home seller lead generator.
– Making your real estate website worthy of being visit.
– How a “stock broker” mentality will help you increase your listings.
– Complete tutorial on the benefits of Custom IDX links and MLS mastery.
– Why some sellers didn’t list with you, and how to ensure they do in the future.

Questions? Comments? Let me know. 🙂

– Tim

Marketing Director
Direct | 408.213.4668
1101 S. Winchester Blvd, J-225
San Jose, CA 95128

Buy Just 3 Months, Get 2 Completely Free
Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program


~Webinar Excerpts~

On home seller marketing:

Seller’s Corner: keeps you right in front of your homeowners.
Everybody that you know that owns a home, owns an investment. And it’s your job to let them know what their investment is worth. That’s the premise that Seller’s Corner was built on.

Imagine you’re a stock broker, and all of these people invested in stock. And they don’t know anything. There’s no way of them tracking it. They’re just blindly sitting, money-invested. Nobody wants to live like that. It’s a scary predicament. So, people begin to educate themselves about when is the right time to sell. Same goes for your homeowners. So, reach out to them:  ‘Hey, here’s your home. You bought it 5 years ago. This house in today’s market, is roughly about this…’ or ‘This house just went on the market. It’s similar to yours. Here’s how much it was listed for…’”
On power of social media: 

“If any of your friends comment or like on your public post, it’s gonna expose that to everybody that they know. So, let’s say you have 200 friends. If 50 of those people “liked” your post, and commented on it, and they’re friends with 200 people – that’s 10,000. 10,000 human beings just saw that you’re a realtor. Some of them may not have a realtor and may want to see what homes look like on the market, and come to your website and look around.

Give yourself an actual fighting chance of connecting with somebody.
Even though they are searching Zillow,, and/or Redfin, they still need some human interaction. You’re an expert. Maybe they have some questions that aren’t being answered by their own research and it becomes cumbersome. So, make yourself present.”


On CRM marketing:

“Anything that you send your clients is a reason to get them to your website.
The point of marketing: getting someone to remember you past the point of initial contact.

Match your contacts with their “consumer status.”
Go beyond just ‘Buyers’ and ‘Sellers.’ Create sub-groups – ‘restaurant-lovers group,’ ‘golf-lovers group’ – reach out to people and share your experiences, coupons, suggestions, etc.”


More on home seller marketing:

“People who bought their home with you in the past should list with you when it’s time to sell. But for some reason they don’t. It has to do with the lack of communication during the life cycle of them owning a home. With Seller’s Corner – all you have to do is just set it up – and folks will receive automatic updates from you. You (and/or they) can control the frequency. It is worth every penny, it’s doing what you’re not capable of doing because you’re a busy person trying to make money.

It’s hard to think about 8 months from now. But imagine this homeowner who’s gonna sell 8 months from now, and you don’t really know. And now you have a tool (Seller’s Corner) that’s gonna put you in front of them for the next 8 months. It’s gonna make you more top-of-mind. It’s solid. It’s why it was created.”


Weekly real estate marketing tips can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archives and our ActiveRain Blog.


Increasing Your Listings: A 2018 Approach.

Posted on: May 4th, 2018 by Tim Garcia

2018 approach


I’m just going to cut to the chase: good things (like generating more listings and working with home sellers) don’t come to those who wait – they come to those who agitate (their real estate leads and clients).

And when I say agitate, I mean it in the most motivating (NOT irritating) way possible.

Agitate: verb, to arouse public concern about an issue in the hope of prompting action.
So, do you need more listings? Want to know how and where to find more home sellers? Whether it’s via your real estate website, over the phone or in-person, let’s break down the essential resources (and actual things you need to say) to actively agitate and reel in potential sellers, keep them on your radar, and ultimately be their go-to listing agent.

What to have handy (a wealth of knowledge):
– Seller’s Corner: automatic email alerts with home values sent to your clients – reminding them you’re the neighborhood expert, delivering relevant info they find useful (what their home’s worth), and ensuring you’re the top-of-mind agent when they’re ready to sell.

– Why You Should Sell Your Home In 2018
– 15 Features That Sell Homes The Fastest And At The Best Price


You’re doing the right thing (irrespective of whether or they choose to sell now or later) by planting the seeds to get them thinking, for inevitable growth, trust, and loyalty in your relationships, and – you guessed it – paving the way to more listings.

What to say:
Hey there, how’ve you been?
Just touching base to see if you’re [still] considering selling your home.

I bring it up ‘cause it can be a little tricky doing it all alone. And the market is HOT.

If they say YES:
Wonderful. Have you looked into how to get things started or who to talk to?
Aside from dealing with the hassles of legal documents, inspections, and managing tours and schedules, selling on your own can also cause your property to stay on the market too long without getting offers – which can cause buyers to think something’s wrong with your home.

You deserve serious, educated, financially-capable buyers. I’d love to get you connected with them.

Have you thought of showcasing your home online? I have the latest, cutting-edge marketing tools including virtual tours, HD & panoramic photos and detailed property info to get you started, and attract honest folks. Do you have more time to talk today? Or should we schedule another chat over coffee next week sometime?

If they say YES:
Great! I’ll send you some info on what your home is currently worth* and we can go from there. I can also share a quick checklist of 15 features that sell your home the fastest. **


If they say NO:
Ah, gotcha. Well, can we at least stay in touch?
I have all the accurate neighborhood home values (including yours) I can send, at your discretion.
Can I get your email address to keep you updated (monthly or weekly)? *

I can also send you some information on why 2018 might be the best year to sell.***

When/if the day you’d like to sell arrives –  you deserve access to the best ways to feature, broadcast and promote your home online, and ensure a speedy and financially fulfilling selling process, with serious and educated buyers, only.

I would be thrilled to work with another [awesome, charming, fun, great] homeowner, such as yourself. Thanks for your time!


Not satisfied with how the conversation went? Want to go the extra mile and continue the dialogue?
Take a gander at this home improvement script for your homeowners (i.e. – your prospective sellers).

You got this. If you need help with anything, let me know. 🙂

Marketing Director
Direct | 408.213.4668
1101 S. Winchester Blvd, J-225
San Jose, CA 95128
Buy Just 3 Months, Get 2 Completely Free
Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program

More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.

P.S. – if talking on the phone or in-person isn’t your cup of tea at the moment for one reason or another (trust me, many of us can relate), feel free to contact us, and/or check out this email marketing message (you can literally copy, paste, fill in the blanks, and send) to convince folks to sell with you: Sell It! Effectively Convince Sellers They Need You To List Their Home.



Seller’s Corner

** 15 Features That Sell Homes The Fastest And At The Best Price

*** Why You Should Sell Your Home In 2018 


Listing- And Money-Maker Marketing Tip (Yep, Another One…)

Posted on: April 4th, 2018 by Tim Garcia



Staying connected to your homeowners (via Seller’s Corner) pays off in 2018.


Case in point: 6099 Larios Court, San Jose, CA 95123
– Listing Price (2015): $731,000 (via Redfin)
– Listing Price (2018): $980,888 (via Oak Anchor Homes)
– Property Value Increase: $249,000 in just 3 years.

In a nutshell, $509,000 price increase in 4 years is enough to reach out to your past clients and let them know a thing or two about a thing or two.

Seller’s Corner is your friend, your foundation, your bridge to the land of listings.
Remind them how much their home is worth.
Remind them you have the answers they’re looking for.
They’ll remember you when they’re ready to sell their home.
It’s that simple.

Marketing Director
Direct | 408.213.4668
Buy Just 3 Months, Get 2 Completely Free
Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program

More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.

(Another) Listing- And Money-Maker Marketing Tip.

Posted on: March 27th, 2018 by Tim Garcia


Staying connected to your homeowners (via Seller’s Corner) pays off in 2018.


Case in point: 2680 Lode St., Santa Cruz, CA 95062
– Listing Price (2015): $650,000 (via Redfin)
– Listing Price (2018): $1,329,000 (via Oak Anchor Homes)
– Property Value Increase: $679,000 in just 5 years.

In a nutshell, $679,000 price increase in 5 years is enough to reach out to your past clients and let them know a thing or two about a thing or two.

Seller’s Corner is your friend, your foundation, your bridge to the land of listings.
Remind them how much their home is worth.
Remind them you have the answers they’re looking for.
They’ll remember you when they’re ready to sell their home.
It’s that simple.

Marketing Director
Direct | 408.213.4668
Buy Just 3 Months, Get 2 Completely Free
Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program


More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.


6 Stats That Prove The Power Of Marketing Automation.

Posted on: February 10th, 2018 by Tim Garcia

Below is an infographic for content we’ve previously shared (some folks find it easier to absorb content this way – think “visual learners”). The entirety of the original post can also be found below the image.

As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts!

Marketing Director
Direct | 408.213.4668
1101 S. Winchester Blvd, J-225
San Jose, CA 95128

Buy Just 3 Months, Get 2 Completely Free
 Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program

More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.




Original Content:

by Andy Coffaro

Recent reports have stated that the average opt-in rate is about 1.95% (, 2017). This means that for every 100 visitors to your real estate website, 2 or more should be signing up to join your list.

Are they?

A huge barrier to capturing real estate leads is hoping visitors will fill out multiple lead capture prompts asking for their info.

Not anymore. PropertyMinder now has a lead capturing tool that doesn’t require visitors to register.
Here’s how it works:

  1. Homeowners enter their address into the lead capture prompt
  2. Their address is recorded and you get an instant email alert
  3. Address in-hand, mail them a CMA or stop by to personally greet them


While you’re getting familiar with our new tool (click here to request to see it in action – or try it out for free), check out just how critical capturing new leads is for your real estate business along with other revealing industry stats.


63% of companies say their biggest marketing challenge is generating leads.

(HubSpot, 2016)


80% of marketers say their lead-gen efforts are only somewhat effective.

(BrightTALK, 2015)


Only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.

(Econsultancy, 2016)


#1 benefit of marketing automation is generating more quality leads.

(Pepper Gloable, 2014)


70% of businesses utilize automated marketing or are about to.

(Aberdeen, 2014)


20% increase in sales via nurtured leads vs. non-nurtured.

(Demand Gen Report, 2014)


6 Lead Capturing Stats That Prove The Power Of Marketing Automation.

Posted on: February 6th, 2018 by Tim Garcia


by Andy Coffaro

Recent reports have stated that the average opt-in rate is about 1.95% (, 2017). This means that for every 100 visitors to your real estate website, 2 or more should be signing up to join your list.

Are they?

A huge barrier to capturing real estate leads is hoping visitors will fill out multiple lead capture prompts asking for their info.

Not anymore. PropertyMinder now has a lead capturing tool that doesn’t require visitors to register.
Here’s how it works:

  1. Homeowners enter their address into the lead capture prompt
  2. Their address is recorded and you get an instant email alert
  3. Address in-hand, mail them a CMA or stop by to personally greet them


While you’re getting familiar with our new tool (click here to request to see it in action – or try it out for free), check out just how critical capturing new leads is for your real estate business along with other revealing industry stats.


63% of companies say their biggest marketing challenge is generating leads.

(HubSpot, 2016)


80% of marketers say their lead-gen efforts are only somewhat effective.

(BrightTALK, 2015)


Only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.

(Econsultancy, 2016)


#1 benefit of marketing automation is generating more quality leads.

(Pepper Gloable, 2014)


70% of businesses utilize automated marketing or are about to.

(Aberdeen, 2014)


20% increase in sales via nurtured leads vs. non-nurtured.

(Demand Gen Report, 2014)


Buy Just 3 Months, Get 2 Completely Free
 Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program

More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.


5 Home Seller Conversation Starters (+ Critical Marketing Resources)

Posted on: January 23rd, 2018 by Tim Garcia

We’ve compiled a list of our best and most engaging scripted content to spark conversations with home sellers.
We also realize many of you may associate the word “scripted” with disingenuity and/or something utterly unnecessary.
However, you may be surprised at what a quick dialogue refresher might reveal (things you’re inadvertently omitting in conversations).

Let us know what you think! 🙂

Marketing Director
Direct | 408.213.4668
1101 S. Winchester Blvd, J-225
San Jose, CA 95128

Buy Just 3 Months, Get 2 Completely Free
Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program

More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.

What are the alternative solutions to the problem you are trying to solve_

Home Seller Lead Marketing: Better. Stronger. Faster.

Posted on: January 10th, 2018 by Tim Garcia

We just launched a lead capture tool that automatically captures a homeowner’s address.

The best part? No website visitor registration is required.
Homeowners (a.k.a. – your inevitable home sellers) simply enter their address into the lead capture prompt “What Is My Home Worth”. The address is recorded. You’re instantly notified via email alert (“A homeowner just visited your website. Here is what was captured…”). Then you get to make the first move.

A quick recap on how this empowers you:

  • Receive immediate alerts about who’s engaging and responding.
  • The ability to reach out to home seller leads faster, and more frequently.
  • The option to print out CMAs and send it to them in the mail, or personally deliver it.

Better relationships. Stronger marketing. Faster response rate. More listing opportunities.

This is seriously the most effective instant home seller lead capture in the business.

See it first-hand before you get started or skip the demo and try it out for free immediately.

Or if you have any other burning questions about this hot topic – feel free to ask me directly. 🙂

Marketing Director
Direct | 408.213.4668
1101 S. Winchester Blvd, J-225
San Jose, CA 95128

Buy 3 Months, Get 2 Absolutely Free
+ Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program


More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.




Secret To Doubling Chances They’ll Sell With You. (Holiday Tip #5)

Posted on: December 23rd, 2017 by Tim Garcia


Marketing Director
Direct | 408.213.4668
1101 S. Winchester Blvd, J-225
San Jose, CA 95128
Buy Just 3 Months, Get 2 Completely Free
 Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program

More marketing advice can be found on our featured Tip Of The Week Archive page.

Homeseller Outreach Challenge.

Posted on: September 20th, 2017 by Tim Garcia


We have written the scripts (as conversation starting points and/or complete navigations).
You have the contacts (hopefully safely stored in your personal CRM).

What we propose:
Call 1-2 homeowners (i.e. – your potential homesellers) each week.

Having in-hand conversation-starters and content to smoothly navigate through phone calls can undoubtedly lessen your anxiety and improve the quality of your relationships.

However, the trick is (obviously) to not come off as “scripted” in your tone and delivery. Be professionally casual and honest. Ad libbing is a nice touch, too! Need someone to “rehearse” with? We’re all ears.

What to have handy:

– Your Homebrella network: essentially all of the home care quotes, insight and resources (your trusted service providers’ information) that folks need to get answers, and get things done.
– Know what’s up with insight on some of what’s trendy and effective: 8 of the most popular home improvement trends amongst homeownersillustrated tips for boosting their home’s curb appealbathroom ideas that are big on storage and stylecheap landscaping ideas that’ll rake in cash later.


Agent: Hey there, ____. This is ____ from ____. How are you doing?
Can you believe how fast this year has gone by? I just wanted to touch base again and see how you (and your family) are doing!

ClientI am (we’re) okay, thanks. How are you?

AgentI’m doing great, thanks for asking. Just keeping busy and trying to stay in touch with folks.

Safeguarding homes is a big topic these days. How’s yours holding up? Are you ready for the winter season? The reason I ask is because I have a network of affordable, local service providers I can happily refer you to (including roofing, HVAC, landscaping, plumbing – you name it!).

Clienta) Yes b) No

Agent: (respond accordingly, have service provider names on hand.)
a) I’m glad I asked! What kind of projects are you needing help with? (Jot down their requests, provide the resources via your Homebrella network)

b) Ah, gotcha. Well, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – right? Well, in case something does come up –  instead of searching and scrolling through Google or Angie’s List, and calling places left and right, for answers, quotes and resources – I’m here to make things super convenient for you.

Any home care project you’d like to get underway in the future, consider me your starting point.

Client: Thank you.

Agent: By the way, speaking of your home, I’m not sure if you keep up with the market – but it’s definitely shifted to become a sellers’ market.

Client: a) Really? I had no idea. / b) Yes, I was aware.

Agent: a) & b) Yes! Several of my listings this past year sold for more than the listing price, believe it or not

Client: That’s interesting, great, etc.

Agent: Yeah, I think so too! Have you ever thought what your home is worth?
The reason I ask is ‘cause it never hurts to have a home evaluation, even if you’re not thinking of selling anytime soon. Ya know? Most folks who request these are just curious, and some find it handy in the future.

Clienta) Yes, I’d be interested. / b) No thanks, I’m good.

Agent: a) Wonderful! I can e-mail you a CMA (Comparable Market Analysis), or we can meet for coffee one day and I can bring you printed info – whichever works best for you.
b) Okay, well if you change your mind I can always forward you info

Client: a) Yes, e-mail / b) Yes, let’s meet c) No, thank you.

Agent: a) Great! I’ll send that your way and set you up on alerts about activity in your neighborhood – like I said it never hurts to know!
b) Great, is there a day and time that works best for you? / c) Do you mind if I e-mail you something just for future reference?

AgentThanks for taking the time to chat with me! As your personal agent, it’s my job to keep you up to date on all things real estate. I’m so glad I was able to connect with you today and hope we can stay in touch!