Weather across the nation has been rather…volatile (yeah, that’s putting it mildly).
From Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Jose, to intermittent thunderstorms during a 107°+ heat wave in the local San Francisco Bay Area – weather is a hot (and somewhat terrifying) topic these days, to say the least.
You care about your clients, right?
Then, why not express it more often and at every relevant, honest chance you get (i.e. – in light of these bizarre weather patterns, show some urgent, genuine concern for folks’ well-being as we head into an unpredictable fall/winter season)?
What does that mean and look like?
It means delivering professional, top-notch resources they need to fully safeguard their home, family and property. It looks like a home care networking system called “Homebrella” that connects your homeowners and you with quality service providers in their specific area to ensure every (potentially life-saving) job gets done in advance.
So, pick up the phone and start a conversation:
Hey there _____! How’ve you been?
Just wanted to give you a ring and see how you were doing.
Can you believe all of this extreme weather?
It’s tragic and frightening to think where conditions that devastating could hit next.
(If they live in affected/devastated areas – obviously ask how they are holding up and/or provide the following:Resources for people interested in helping Hurricane Irma Victims, Resources for survivors of Hurricane Irma)
It’s also really got me thinking.
I want to make sure all of my clients’ homes are prepped, reinforced and ready to handle anything Mother Nature sends their way.
So, I’ve put together a list of some of the most important home care maintenance tips as we head into the fall/winter/stormy season. I’d love to email you some helpful info, if you’re interested?
Great! I’ll get that over to you, right now.
I’ll even include a quick checklist on “6 signs it is time to sell your home” – you might be surprised with a few of them – I know I was!
By the way, if you have any specific home care or improvement requests for resources – like, the most affordable service providers in your area – let me know since I have a database that can connect you with the right folks (including roofing, plumbing, flooring, electric, landscaping, HVAC, cleaning, etc.) Whatever you need, I can get it covered.
Thanks for taking the time to chat. My best to the family! Take care.
If NO:
Okay, sounds good!
By the way, if you have any specific home care or improvement requests for resources – like, the most affordable service providers in your area – let me know since I have a database that can connect you with the right folks (including roofing, plumbing, flooring, electric, landscaping, HVAC, cleaning, etc.) Whatever you need, I can get it covered.
Thanks for taking the time to chat. My best to the family! Take care.
Follow-up list of fall/winter home care preparation tips (+ “6 Signs It’s Time To Sell Your Home”)
1) Prepare Your Home for Fall and Winter (+Unpredictable Weather Conditions)
2) 5 Home Maintenance To-Dos in September
3) Making Your Home “Winter Ready”
4) 6 Signs It’s Time To Sell Your Home
5) 30 Tips To Get Your Home Ready For Fall