Posts Tagged ‘greeting’

Your 2017 Holiday Lineup. You’re Welcome.

Posted on: January 3rd, 2017 by Tim Garcia


Tim here, 2017 off to a good start?

Although holidays this year remain your chance to reach out to folks and stay memorable – specific dates are notoriously subject to change. To circumvent any confusion and keep you in the loop, we’ve compiled a complete list of 2017 holidays, observances and seasons – categorized by type and (up)dates.

Scheduling holiday email marketing greetings and campaigns ahead of time (while being mindful of the correct dates) will not only save you time – it’ll save you unneeded stress, embarrassment and/or regret.

Did we mention it’s also a lot easier having everything automated, pre-written and/or customized for you?
Just ask our trial and long-time customers. Or simply take a free 30 day test drive and see for yourself. 🙂

Happy New Year,

Director of Marketing

P.S. – Don’t miss our additional monthly holiday heads up featured in our Company Newsletters
(including creative, outside-the-box reasons and ways to engage with your buyers and sellers).

You can also swing by our Current or Archived Tip(s) Of The Week for extensive email marketing inspiration.

Last Minute Thanksgiving (Holiday) Email Greeting.

Posted on: November 22nd, 2016 by Tim Garcia

Hi there,

Tim here – how’s your week going so far?
You’re probably traveling, preparing, lounging, wrapping up work before Thanksgiving, or a busy combination of these – am I right?

Just wondering – do you plan on sending a holiday greeting this week?
Well, heads up – I’ve drafted a short and sweet Thanksgiving email (see below) for you to send to leads and clients, if you’re in a pinch or need extra inspiration.

Email Subject Line Option #1: Have a quick sec before Thanksgiving? This (and you) really matter to me…
Email Subject Line Option #2: Your generosity is enough to be thankful for this year. 

Dear ______,

Time to put the heaps of food, family squabbling, and frenzied shopping on the back burner for a second.
Now: take a moment to pause, breathe, and relax with a quick greeting conveying my deep appreciation, unwavering gratitude, and absolute thanks for our continued personal and professional bond.

Honestly, your vibrant generosity alone is enough to be thankful for this year.

Your time. Your trust. Your kindness. Your fears. Your dreams. You’ve shared it all with me.
And I want to reiterate my commitment toward ensuring your home journey is thoroughly secure, joyous, and fulfilling, year-round.

Home Purchase. Home Listed. Home Care. Home Values. Home Improvement.
You can always count on me for all of your real estate needs, above and beyond.

I look forward to reaching new heights with you as 2017 comes to a close, and as a bright New Year full of enriching opportunities approaches us.

Warmest Thanksgiving wishes to you, family, and friends,


Cheers & Happy Thanksgiving,

PropertyMinder Marketing

Father’s Day Greeting

Posted on: June 8th, 2016 by Tim Garcia

Hey there,

Tim here – how’s your June going?
Heads up (although you’re probably already aware): Father’s Day lands on Sunday the 19th.

Given the fact that parent-child dynamics vary from person to person, I tried to be as inclusive as possible when drafting the greeting below. Let me know what you think – and feel free to use the content in an email marketing campaign (it’s never too early to schedule one).


*Subject Line: Unconditional (Sometimes Tough): Dad’s Love Knows No Bounds.

Fathers embody a unique kind of strength.
From training wheels to our first cars as adolescents, they take us on exciting routes in life.

Whether it’s confronting the monster under our beds, playing sports in the backyard, tinkering with tools in the garage, piggyback rides as kids, sharing barbecue tips, or simply providing a shoulder to lean on when we’re down and out – they have a special way of teaching us lessons and instilling values that help shape who we grow up to be.

Biological, Adopted and Step Dads, Uncles, Brothers and Grandfathers, I hope you take the time to connect with, and celebrate, the fatherly figure(s) in your life this weekend.

Take care,

If you ever need additional guidance,
personally-tailored marketing content,
and/or just need to “vent” – feel free to reach out.

No sales pitch, either. Seriously.

Your Marketing Ally & Friend,

PropertyMinder Marketing

 More marketing advice can be found on our featured
Tip Of The Week Archive & Current Tip Of The Week webpages.